{ "Datasets": { "-xmlns:xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", "Dataset": [ {"DatasetCode":"AE","DatasetName":"Archives et series de données interrompues: ASTI-Expenditures","Topic":"All government and nonprofit agencies involved in agricultural research in over 80 low- and middle-income countries. Spending for higher education agencies is estimated in most countries assuming that average spending per researcher at higher education agencies is the same as spending per researcher at government and nonprofit agencies. ASTI is currently exploring ways to more accurately capture agricultural research spending by universities.Private for-profit agencies are not included in ASTI datasets.","DatasetDescription":"ASTI collects primary time-series data on agricultural research capacity and spending levels through national survey rounds in over 80 low-and middle-income countries. Data collection is carried out by country focal points, who distribute survey forms to all agencies known to conduct agricultural research in a given country, including government, nonprofit, and higher education agencies. Private-for profit sector coverage is limited, and hence excluded from this dataset. More detailed country- and regional-level data on agricultural research capacity, investment, and outputs are available on http://www.asti.cgiar.org/data","Contact":"International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI): Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI)","Email":"asti@cgiar.org","DateUpdate":"2019-11-11T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"28KB","FileRows":3094,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/ASTI_Dépenses_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"AF","DatasetName":"Archives et series de données interrompues: ASTI-Researchers","Topic":"All government, higher education, and nonprofit agencies involved in agricultural research in over 80 low- and middle-income countries. Private for-profit agencies are not included in ASTI datasets.","DatasetDescription":"ASTI collects primary time-series data on agricultural research capacity and spending levels through national survey rounds in over 80 low-and middle-income countries. Data collection is carried out by country focal points, who distribute survey forms to all agencies known to conduct agricultural research in a given country, including government, nonprofit, and higher education agencies. Private-for profit sector coverage is limited, and hence excluded from this dataset. More detailed country- and regional-level data on agricultural research capacity, investment, and outputs are available on www.asti.cgiar.org/data.","Contact":"International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI): Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI)","Email":"asti@cgiar.org","DateUpdate":"2019-11-11T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"28KB","FileRows":3154,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/ASTI_Chercheurs_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"CAHD","DatasetName":"Coût et abordabilité d’une alimentation saine : Cost and Affordability of a Healthy Diet (CoAHD)","Topic":"See Definitions and standards which lists sector coverage with the respective indicator.","DatasetDescription":"Indicators on the cost and affordability of a healthy diet are estimated in each country and show the population’s physical and economic access to least expensive locally available foods to meet requirements for a healthy diet, as defined in food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs). The indicators use observed retail food consumer prices and income distributions to provide an operational measure of people’s access to locally available foods in the proportions needed for health. These indicators support efforts within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture by 2030 (SDG 2). They also support the monitoring of progress towards the objective of transforming agrifood systems by promoting “nutrition-sensitive agriculture”. For definitions of these indicators, see Definitions and standards.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"Food-Security-Statistics@FAO.org","DateUpdate":"2023-07-14T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"38KB","FileRows":4590,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Cout_abordabilite_alimentation_saine_(CoAHD)_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"CB","DatasetName":"Bilans Alimentaires: Commodity Balances (non-food) (2010-)","Topic":"Most crop and livestock products, including processed products, under agricultural activity.","DatasetDescription":"Commodity Balances (CB) presents a comprehensive picture of the pattern of a country's non-food supply during a specified reference period.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-08-08T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"896KB","FileRows":117560,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/ÉquilibresProduits_(non_alimentaire)_(2010-)_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"CBH","DatasetName":"Bilans Alimentaires: Commodity Balances (non-food) (-2013, old methodology)","Topic":"Most crop and livestock products, including processed products, under agricultural activity.","DatasetDescription":"Food Balance Sheet presents a comprehensive picture of the pattern of a country's food supply during a specified reference period. The food balance sheet shows for each food item - i.e. each primary commodity and a number of processed commodities potentially available for human consumption - the sources of supply and its utilization. The total quantity of foodstuffs produced in a country added to the total quantity imported and adjusted to any change in stocks that may have occurred since the beginning of the reference period gives the supply available during that period. On the utilization side a distinction is made between the quantities exported, fed to livestock, used for seed, put to manufacture for food use and non-food uses, losses during storage and transportation, and food supplies available for human consumption. The per caput supply of each such food item available for human consumption is then obtained by dividing the respective quantity by the related data on the population actually partaking of it. Data on per caput food supplies are expressed in terms of quantity and - by applying appropriate food composition factors for all primary and processed products - also in terms of caloric value and protein and fat content.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2021-12-03T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"7886KB","FileRows":1184986,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/ÉquilibresProduits_(non_alimentaire)_(-2013_ancienne_méthodologie)_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"CISP","DatasetName":"Investissement: Country Investment Statistics Profile","Topic":"Agriculture, forestry and fishing.","DatasetDescription":"The Country Investment Statistics Profile domain provides an overall view of the information about investment in agriculture at country level. Data are collected from other FAOSTAT domains, in particular from Investment and Macro Indicators. The purpose is to give to the users a comprehensive dataset that allows making comparison among the different flows to agriculture within each country. The dataset consists of a time series of more than 200 countries, from 2001 onwards. The information included regards the levels of central government expenditure on agriculture, credit to agriculture, official development flows (commitment) and foreign direct investment on agriculture. Besides the levels of investment flows, the dataset also includes the information on agriculture value added and agriculture gross fixed capital formation. Additional reported indicators are -the share of total flow allocated to agriculture (for Government Expenditure on Agriculture, Credit to Agriculture, Development Flows, Foreign direct Investment to Agriculture), -the agriculture share of total GDP, -the agriculture share of total gross fixed capital formation, -the agriculture orientation index (ratio of the agriculture share of total flow, over the agriculture value added share of total GDP) for Government Expenditure on Agriculture, Credit to Agriculture, Development Flows to Agriculture, -the investment agriculture orientation index (which is the ratio between the agriculture share of gross fixed capital formation over the agriculture share of GDP), -the annual growth,-the investment ratio (ratio between gross fixed capital formation over GDP),-the agriculture investment ratio (ratio between agriculture gross fixed capital formation and agriculture value added). Though the goal is to have complete and consistent coverage for all countries, relatively low response rates for the different databases belonging to the investment domain and country level differences in data collection and reporting creates some challenges in providing a complete and consistent global dataset. The Country Investment Statistics Profile domain provides an overall view of the information about investment in agriculture at country level. Data are collected from other FAOSTAT domains, in particular from Investment and Macro Indicators. The purpose is to give to the users a comprehensive dataset that allows making comparison among the different flows to agriculture within each country. The dataset consists of a time series of more than 200 countries, from 2001 onwards. The information included regards the levels of central government expenditure on agriculture, credit to agriculture, official development flows (commitment) and foreign direct investment on agriculture. Besides the levels of investment flows, the dataset also includes the information on agriculture value added and agriculture gross fixed capital formation. Additional reported indicators are -the share of total flow allocated to agriculture (for Government Expenditure on Agriculture, Credit to Agriculture, Development Flows, Foreign direct Investment to Agriculture), -the agriculture share of total GDP, -the agriculture share of total gross fixed capital formation, -the agriculture orientation index (ratio of the agriculture share of total flow, over the agriculture value added share of total GDP) for Government Expenditure on Agriculture, Credit to Agriculture, Development Flows to Agriculture, -the investment agriculture orientation index (which is the ratio between the agriculture share of gross fixed capital formation over the agriculture share of GDP), -the annual growth,-the investment ratio (ratio between gross fixed capital formation over GDP),-the agriculture investment ratio (ratio between agriculture gross fixed capital formation and agriculture value added). Though the goal is to have complete and consistent coverage for all countries, relatively low response rates for the different databases belonging to the investment domain and country level differences in data collection and reporting creates some challenges in providing a complete and consistent global dataset.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"Veronica.Boero@fao.org; eunjeong.lee@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2024-02-29T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"941KB","FileRows":91166,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Investissement_CountryInvestmentStatisticsProfile_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"CP","DatasetName":"Prix: Consumer Price Indices","Topic":"Sector coverage: Household sector, and goods and services acquired by households | Code - Number of countries/areas covered: Food CPI covers 203 Country, and General CPI covers 207 Country","DatasetDescription":"The FAOSTAT monthly Food CPI and General CPI database was based on the ILO CPI data until December 2014. In 2014, IMF-ILO-FAO agreed to transfer global CPI data compilation from ILO to IMF. Upon agreement, CPIs for all items and its sub components originates from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the UN Statistics Division(UNSD) for countries not covered by the IMF. However, due to a limited time coverage from IMF and UNSD for a number of countries, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Central Bank of Western African States (BCEAO), Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB), UNdata, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and national statistical office website data are used for missing historical data from IMF and UNSD food CPI. The FAO CPI dataset for all items(or general CPI) and the Food CPI, consists of a complete and consistent set of time series from January 2000 onwards. Data gaps on monthly Food CPI and General CPI are filled using statistical estimation procedures to have full data coverage for all countries for Food CPI and for General CPI. These indices measure the price change between the current and reference periods of the average basket of goods and services purchased by households. The CPI,all items is typically used to measure and monitor inflation, set monetary policy targets, index social benefits such as pensions and unemployment benefits, and to escalate thresholds and credits in the income tax systems and wages in public and private wage contracts. The FAOSTAT monthly Food CPI inflation rates are annual year-over-year inflation or percentage change over corresponding month of the previous year. The FAOSTAT regional Food CPI and CPI of General are weighted average of Food CPI and General CPI of countries in each region using the weights of HouseHold Final Consumption Expenditure in USD in 2015 from UNSD.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-12-12T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"2008KB","FileRows":216228,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/IndicesPrixConsommation_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"CS","DatasetName":"Indicateurs macro-économiques: Capital Stock","Topic":"Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC A+B Rev.3 and A Rev.4)","DatasetDescription":"As part of the FAO Agriculture Capital Stock (ACS) database, ESS-FAO publishes country-by-country data on physical investment in agriculture, forestry and fishing as measured by the System of National Accounts (SNA) concept of Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF). Additional variables included in the ACS are Net and Gross Capital Stock, Consumption of Fixed Capital, the Agriculture Investment ratio, and the Gross Fixed Capital Formation Agriculture Orientation Index. The FAO Agriculture Capital Stock Database is an analytical database: whenever available, the database integrates official National Accounts data harvested from the UNSD National Accounts Main Aggregates Database (UNSD AMA) and the OECD Annual National Accounts Database (OECD ANA). The database is further supplemented by OECD Structural Analysis database (OECD STAN) and in a few countries data from the country’s statistics website. If the full set of official data is not available for any specific country, imputation methods are applied to obtain estimates over the complete time series. Many data points in ACS are estimated and are flagged as such; they do not represent official Member countries' submissions. With a view of producing internationally comparable net capital stock estimates, we employ the Perpetual Inventory Method (PIM) with a time invariant geometric depreciation rate to impute missing data. The Perpetual Inventory Method is a well-established economic model to calculate Net Capital Stocks (NCS) and Consumption of Fixed Capital (CFC) from time series of Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF). Specifically, annual measures of the NCS are obtained from cumulating historical series on physical investment flows and deducting the part of assets that are depreciated (the Consumption of Fixed Capital that occurs in every period). In order to implement the PIM, long time series on aggregate GFCF in agriculture, forestry and fishing is required. As much as possible, we rely on National Accounts data published by the OECD and UNSD. When country data are partially or fully missing, we employ econometric techniques to impute missing observations. Depending on the pattern of data missingness for the countries, different imputation methods are applied (selected from the ARMAX, PANEL and OLS classes of econometric models) for the data series from 1995 to 2021.The values of Agriculture Capital Stock related indicators for 2022, including Agriculture Investment Ratio, Agriculture Orientation Index, Net Capital Stock, Gross Fixed Capital Formation and Consumption of Fixed Capital, are estimated using the Holt-Winters (HW) method (Cipra et al., 1995). The HW method is an exponential smoothing method for forecasting the annual values of economic variables. In this context, the HW method relies on existing (historical) values of the Agriculture Capital Stock. The predicted value is an extrapolation of the historical values to the specified target date, which extends the timeline without considering seasonality in the annual series.All data series in the database are provided both in national currencies and in US dollars as well as in current prices and constant prices with base year 2015. Calculation of constant price series is done applying GFCF deflator series. When OECD National Accounts data are available, an OECD implicit deflator for agriculture GFCF is calculated and used. For other cases, the implicit deflators on GFCF for total economy available from the FAOSTAT Deflators database is used.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).: Statistics Division (ESS), Economic Statistics Team.","Email":"macrostats@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-11-07T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"1339KB","FileRows":139394,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Investissement_FormationCapital_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"EA","DatasetName":"Investissement: Development Flows to Agriculture","Topic":"All sectors with an emphasis on the Agriculture, forestry and fishing sector","DatasetDescription":"The Development Flows to Agriculture (DFA) dataset is an important component of Agricultural Investment Financing Statistics, together with Government Expenditures on Agriculture (GEA), Foreign Direct Investment in Agriculture (FDI), Credit to Agriculture (C2A) and Foreign Remittances (FR). The DFA dataset relies on the OECD’s Creditor Reporting System (CRS), which provides comprehensive data on development flows from all donors to all recipients since the early 1970s. The use of CRS for compiling the DFA dataset capitalizes on the expertise of the OECD in this area, while minimizing respondents’ burden and avoiding duplication of work. The DFA dataset includes Official Development Assistance (ODA) flows, Other Official Flows (OOFs) and Private Grants reported by donor countries, international organizations and private entities to the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Directorate. The objective of the DFA database is to provide readily available data to enable analysis on aid flows and the purposes they serve, with an emphasis on agriculture, its components, and environmental protection.The data series “Other Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (total)” provides additional information on aid that accrues in fact to agriculture, but is included in aid flows assigned to other sectors. Accrual to agriculture is dedicated from the text and the description of projects. Among the indicators published in the DFA dataset is the Share of Total DFA. This is indicator is computed as a share of total aid flows devoted to “Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing” in Total aid flows, including Official Development Assistance (ODA), Other Official Flows (OOF) and Private Grant for all purposes from all donors. This indicator is conceptually similar to SDG indicator 2.a.2 \"Total official flows to the agriculture sector\", which is under the custodianship of the OECD with FAO as a partner Agency. It is important to underline that SDG 2.a.2 follows a methodology that is different from that of the Share of Total DFA published in FAOSTAT, and is described by OECD in the Handbook available at https://unstats.un.org/wiki/display/SDGeHandbook/Indicator+2.a.2 .The computation of SDG indicator 2.a.2 uses ODA and OOF sector-allocable aid flows as a denominator.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Economic Statistics Team","Email":"faostat@fao.org / Investment-data@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-11-09T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"130716KB","FileRows":13226161,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Flux_de_développement_de_l_Agriculture_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"EI","DatasetName":"Changement climatique: émissions provenant des systèmes agroalimentaires: Emissions intensities","Topic":"Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions","DatasetDescription":"The FAOSTAT domain Emissions intensities contains analytical data on the intensity of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by agricultural commodity. This indicator is defined as greenhouse gas emissions per kg of product. Data are available for a set of agricultural commodities (e.g. rice and other cereals, meat, milk, eggs), by country, with global coverage and relative to the period 1961–2020.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-12-06T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"3469KB","FileRows":399410,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Environnement_Intensites_emissions_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"EK","DatasetName":"Terres, intrants et indicateurs de durabilité: Livestock Patterns","Topic":"Sector coverage: Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (ISIC A) | Coverage rate : Global coverage.","DatasetDescription":"The Livestock Patterns domain of FAOSTAT contains data on livestock numbers, shares of major livestock species and densities of livestock units in the agricultural land area. Values are calculated using Livestock Units (LSU), which facilitate aggregating information for different livestock types. Data are available by country, with global coverage, for the period 1961 to present, with annual updates. This methodology applies the LSU coefficients reported in the \"Guidelines for the preparation of livestock sector reviews\" (FAO, 2011). From this publication, LSU coefficients are computed by livestock type and by country. The reference unit used for the calculation of livestock units (=1 LSU) is the grazing equivalent of one adult dairy cow producing 3000 kg of milk annually, fed without additional concentrated foodstuffs. FAOSTAT agri-environmental indicators on livestock patterns closely follow the structure of the indicators in EUROSTAT.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics Team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-08-30T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"3077KB","FileRows":446760,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Environnement_TendancesElevage_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"EM","DatasetName":"Changement climatique: émissions provenant des systèmes agroalimentaires: Emissions indicators","Topic":"Agriculture, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Climate Change","DatasetDescription":"The FAOSTAT domain Emissions shares disseminates indicators on sectoral shares of total national emissions as well as indicators of per capita emissions. Sectoral shares are computed by agrifood system component (farm gate, land use change, pre- and postproduction) as well as by sectors of the National GHG Inventories used for reporting to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)(Agriculture, Land Use Land Use Change and Forestry, Energy, Industrial Processes and Product Use, Waste, International Bunkers). Shares are disseminated for emissions of single component gases — carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), fluorinated gases (F-gases) — as well as for CO2 equivalent (CO2eq), with respect to total emissions from the entire economy (including Land Use and Land Use Change LULUCF emissions), which are derived from the FAOSTAT Emissions totals domain. Population data that are used to compute the per capita emissions are taken from the FAOSTAT population domain. Data are provided by country and relevant regional groups, including the Annex I and Non-Annex I Parties to the UNFCCC, over the period 1990–2020.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-10-25T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"4486KB","FileRows":637568,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Changement_climatique_Indicateurs_émissions_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"EMN","DatasetName":"Terres, intrants et indicateurs de durabilité: Livestock Manure","Topic":"Organic Nitrogen (N) input from livestock manure.","DatasetDescription":"The Livestock Manure domain of FAOSTAT contains estimates of nitrogen (N) inputs to agricultural soils from livestock manure. Data on the N losses to air and water are also disseminated. These estimates are compiled using official FAOSTAT statistics of animal stocks and by applying the internationally approved Guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Data are available by country, with global coverage and relative to the period 1961–2020, with annual updates. The following elements are disseminated: 1) Stocks; 2) Amount excreted in manure (N content); 3) Manure left on pasture (N content); 4) Manure left on pasture that volatilises (N content); 5) Manure left on pasture that leaches (N content); 6) Manure treated (N content); 7) Losses from manure treated (N content); 8) Manure applied to soils (N content); 9) Manure applied to soils that volatilises (N content); 10) Manure applied to soils that leaches (N content).","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environmental Statistics Team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-09-18T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"20569KB","FileRows":2448308,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Environnement_Engrais_animal_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"ESB","DatasetName":"Terres, intrants et indicateurs de durabilité: Cropland Nutrient Balance","Topic":"Agriculture; Environment","DatasetDescription":"2022 Cropland nutrient budget analytical briefThe Cropland Nutrient Budget domain contains information on the flows of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium from synthetic fertilizer, manure applied to soils, atmospheric deposition, crop removal, and biological fixation over cropland and per unit area of cropland. The flows are aggregated to total inputs and total outputs, from which the overall nutrient budget and nutrient use efficiency on cropland are calculated. Statistics are disseminated in units of tonnes and in kg/ha, as appropriate. Nutrient use efficiency is expressed as a fraction (%). Data are available by country, with global coverage relative to the period 1961-2020, with annual updates.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics Team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-11-08T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"7610KB","FileRows":897893,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Environnement_Bilan_nutritif_terres_cultivées_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"ET","DatasetName":"Terres, intrants et indicateurs de durabilité: Temperature change on land","Topic":"Climate; Environment","DatasetDescription":"The FAOSTAT Temperature change on land domain disseminates statistics of mean surface temperature change by country, with annual updates. The current dissemination covers the period 1961–2022. Statistics are available for monthly, seasonal and annual mean temperature anomalies, i.e., temperature change with respect to a baseline climatology, corresponding to the period 1951–1980. The standard deviation of the temperature change of the baseline methodology is also available. Data are based on the publicly available GISTEMP data, the Global Surface Temperature Change data distributed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Institute for Space Studies (NASA-GISS).","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics Team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2024-02-19T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"3268KB","FileRows":563040,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Environnement_variation_temperature_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"FA","DatasetName":"Archives et series de données interrompues: Food Aid Shipments (WFP)","Topic":null,"DatasetDescription":null,"Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): ","Email":null,"DateUpdate":"2016-12-22T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"258KB","FileRows":31114,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Aide_Alimentaire_WFP_Expédition_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"FBS","DatasetName":"Bilans Alimentaires: Food Balances (2010-)","Topic":"Most crop and livestock products, including processed products, under agricultural activity.","DatasetDescription":"Food Balance Sheet presents a comprehensive picture of the pattern of a country's food supply during a specified reference period. The food balance sheet shows for each food item - i.e. each primary commodity and a number of processed commodities potentially available for human consumption - the sources of supply and its utilization. The total quantity of foodstuffs produced in a country added to the total quantity imported and adjusted to any change in stocks that may have occurred since the beginning of the reference period gives the supply available during that period. On the utilization side a distinction is made between the quantities exported, fed to livestock, used for seed, put to manufacture for food use and non-food uses, losses during storage and transportation, and food supplies available for human consumption. The per caput supply of each such food item available for human consumption is then obtained by dividing the respective quantity by the related data on the population actually partaking of it. Data on per caput food supplies are expressed in terms of quantity and - by applying appropriate food composition factors for all primary and processed products - also in terms of caloric value and protein and fat content.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-09-04T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"63819KB","FileRows":4320908,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/BilansAlimentaires_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"FBSH","DatasetName":"Bilans Alimentaires: Food Balances (-2013, old methodology and population)","Topic":"Most crop and livestock products, including processed products, under agricultural activity.","DatasetDescription":"Food Balance Sheet presents a comprehensive picture of the pattern of a country's food supply during a specified reference period. The food balance sheet shows for each food item - i.e. each primary commodity and a number of processed commodities potentially available for human consumption - the sources of supply and its utilization. The total quantity of foodstuffs produced in a country added to the total quantity imported and adjusted to any change in stocks that may have occurred since the beginning of the reference period gives the supply available during that period. On the utilization side a distinction is made between the quantities exported, fed to livestock, used for seed, put to manufacture for food use and non-food uses, losses during storage and transportation, and food supplies available for human consumption. The per caput supply of each such food item available for human consumption is then obtained by dividing the respective quantity by the related data on the population actually partaking of it. Data on per caput food supplies are expressed in terms of quantity and - by applying appropriate food composition factors for all primary and processed products - also in terms of caloric value and protein and fat content.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-03-10T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"72942KB","FileRows":11479903,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/BilansAlimentairesHistorique_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"FDI","DatasetName":"Investissement: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)","Topic":"Total economy, Agriculture, forestry and fishing sector and Manufacturing activity of Food, Beverages and Tobacco products, defined by ISIC Rev.4.","DatasetDescription":"All data originates from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Trade Centre (INTRACEN) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) data is collected following the International Monetary Fund's Balance of Payments Manual, Fifth Edition, BPM5, IMF 1993, the OECD's Detailed Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment,Third Edition, BMD3, OECD 1996 and the updated OECD's benchmark definition (BMD4, OECD, 2008). The FDI sectoral disaggregation follows the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev.4 (ISIC, Rev. 4). UNCTAD database presents time-series data from 1990 onwards to 2022 of FDI for most UN Members States and other territories. Data availability extends to 115 country for the FDI flows to Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing sector (AFF) as well as FDI flows to Manufacturing activity of Food, Beverage and Tobacco products (FBT). See link to UNCTAD data: - For the whole economy: http://unctadstat.unctad.org/wds/ReportFolders/reportFolders.aspx . INTRACEN dataset extends from 2000 to 2021 for 79 countries. See link to INTRACEN data: https://www.investmentmap.org/investment/search. OECD dataset extends from 2005 to 2021 for 32 OECD countries. See link to OECD data: http://www.oecd.org/investment/statistics.htm. Based on the FDI data sources, the FAO FDI dataset extends from 1990 to 2022.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Economic Statistics Team","Email":"Investment-data@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-12-27T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"431KB","FileRows":41868,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Investissement_InvestissementDirectEtranger_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"FDIQ","DatasetName":"Alimentation et régime alimentaire: Intake (based on individual quantitative dietary surveys)","Topic":"Couverture sectorielle: Niveaux national, infra-national et/ou rural/urbain. Toutefois, les niveaux de représentativité varient selon les enquêtes. | Nombre de pays/superficies couverts - Code: Les Couches globales d’unité administrative (GAUL) de la FAO sont utilisées pour la classification des pays et des unités administratives de second niveau","DatasetDescription":"Les statistiques quantitatives sur la consommation alimentaire et l’apport en nutriments ont été calculées par la Division de l'Alimentation et de la nutrition (ESN) à partir de données quantitatives individuelles représentatives de consommation alimentaire disponibles sur la plateforme FAO/WHO GIFT (https://www.fao.org/gift-individual-food-consumption/fr//). Les données quantitatives individuelles de consommation alimentaire sont recueillies au moyen de rappels de 24 heures ou de registres alimentaires, comprenant des informations détaillées sur tous les aliments et boissons effectivement consommés par les individus, à la maison et hors de la maison, au cours d’une période de référence (généralement les 24 dernières heures). Les données quantitatives individuelles de consommation alimentaire présentent l’avantage unique de fournir des informations détaillées, ventilées par sexe et par âge, permettant d’élaborer des politiques et des programmes ciblés fondés sur des données probantes dans les domaines de l’agriculture, de la nutrition et de l’alimentation, des directives alimentaires, des programmes d’enrichissement des aliments et d’étudier les associations entre alimentation et maladie. Les données quantitatives individuelles de consommation alimentaire sont également essentielles pour les évaluations de l’exposition alimentaire dans le domaine de la sécurité alimentaire et ont été utilisées à diverses autres fins, comme l’estimation de l’impact environnemental des régimes alimentaires et l’identification de modes de consommation alimentaire moins gourmands en ressources.","Contact":"Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO): Division de l’alimentation et de la nutrition (ESN)","Email":"Nutrition-assessment@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-11-30T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"11417KB","FileRows":1371546,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Données_alimentaires_quantitatives_individuelles_Alimentation_et_régime_alimentaire_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"FO","DatasetName":"Forêts: Forestry Production and Trade","Topic":"Forestry and logging, manufacture of wood and wood products, manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products, collection of recovered paper.","DatasetDescription":"The database contains data on the production and trade in roundwood and in primary wood and paper products for all countries and territories in the world.The main types of primary forest products included in this database are roundwood, sawnwood, wood-based panels, pulp, and paper and paperboard. These products are detailed further and defined in the Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire (JFSQ) (https://www.fao.org/forestry/statistics/80572/en/). The database contains details of the following topics: - Roundwood removals (production) by coniferous and non-coniferous wood and assortments, - production and trade in industrial roundwood, sawnwood, wood-based panels, wood charcoal, pulp, paper and paperboard, and other products. More detailed information on wood products, including definitions, can be found at https://www.fao.org/forestry/statistics/80572/en","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Forestry Division (NFO)","Email":"FPS@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-12-21T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"16348KB","FileRows":2238265,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Forêts_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"FS","DatasetName":"Sécurité alimentaire et nutrition: Suite of Food Security Indicators","Topic":"See Definitions and standards below which lists sector coverage with the respective indicator.","DatasetDescription":"The Suite of Food Security Indicators presents the core set of food security indicators. Following the recommendation of experts gathered in the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) Round Table on hunger measurement, hosted at FAO headquarters in September 2011, an initial set of indicators aiming to capture various aspects of food insecurity is presented here. The choice of the indicators has been informed by expert judgment and the availability of data with sufficient coverage to enable comparisons across regions and over time. Many of these indicators are produced and published elsewhere by FAO and other international organizations. They are reported here in a single database with the aim of building a wide food security information system. More indicators will be added to this set as more data will become available. Indicators are classified along the four dimensions of food security -- availability, access, utilization and stability. For definitions of these indicators, see Definitions and standards below (under Item).","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"Food-Security-Statistics@FAO.org","DateUpdate":"2023-08-14T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"1891KB","FileRows":233305,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Données_de_la_sécurité_alimentaire_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"FT","DatasetName":"Archives et series de données interrompues: Forestry Trade Flows","Topic":"Forestry and logging, Manufacture of wood and wood products, Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products, collection of paper for recycling.","DatasetDescription":"The database contains data on the bilateral trade flows in roundwood, primary wood and paper products for all countries and territories in the world. The main types of primary forest products included in are: roundwood, sawnwood, wood-based panels, pulp, and paper and paperboard. These products are detailed further. The definitions are available. More detailed information on wood products, including definitions, can be found at: https://www.fao.org/forestry/statistics/80572/en/","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Forestry Policy and Resources Division (FOA), Forestry Department","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2022-05-27T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"23854KB","FileRows":2829802,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Forêts_Flux_du_commerce_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"GCE","DatasetName":"Changement climatique: émissions provenant des systèmes agroalimentaires: Emissions from Crops","Topic":"Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions","DatasetDescription":"The FAOSTAT domain Emissions from Crops provides estimates of emissions associated with crop processes, namely Crop residues, Burning of crop residues, and Rice cultivation and the application of nitrogen (N) fertilizers, including mineral and chemical fertilizers, to soils. Estimates are computed at Tier 1 following the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National greenhouse gas (GHG) Inventories (IPCC, 2006).","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-09-29T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"7718KB","FileRows":891492,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Emissions_cultures_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"GF","DatasetName":"Changement climatique: émissions provenant des systèmes agroalimentaires: Emissions from Forests","Topic":"Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions","DatasetDescription":"The FAOSTAT domain Forests consists of CO2 emissions and removals corresponding to forest carbon stock changes (aboveground and belowground living biomass). Estimates are computed following the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National greenhouse gas Inventories (IPCC, 2006). Data from the Forest Resources Assessment 2020 (FAO, 2020) are used as input. Estimates are available by country, with global coverage, for the period 1990–2021. The FAOSTAT domain Forests disseminates information by country on activity data (hectares of forestland area) and CO2 emissions and removals (kilotonnes). Data are available for all countries and territories, for standard FAOSTAT regional aggregations, and for Annex I and non-Annex I country groups. This FAOSTAT domain also disseminates the activity data and the net CO2 emissions/removals reported by countries to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), under the category ‘Forest land’. Activity data are sourced from the most recently available GHG National Inventories (NGHGI) or from National Communications. Emission data are sourced directly from the UNFCCC data portal or from Biennial Update Reports (BURs). UNFCCC data are disseminated in FAOSTAT with permission, formalized via a FAO-UNFCCC Memorandum of Understanding. Unlike the UNFCCC reporting, the forestland area considered in this domain does not track separately the two- sub-components forest land remaining forest land (FL-FL) and newly converted forest land. The 2021 emissions estimates are a carry forward of the 2020 data.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-10-04T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"313KB","FileRows":45028,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Emissions_Utilisation_des_terres_Forêts_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"GFDI","DatasetName":"Chaine de valeur alimentaire: Value shares by industry and primary factors","Topic":"Farm and post-farm food value chain","DatasetDescription":"This domain contains data on three food value measures, namely: (1) Food At Home (FAH); (2) Food and Tobacco at Home (FTAH); (3) Food and Accommodation Away From Home (FAAFH), disaggregated by four primary factors (Operating Surplus, Labor, Taxes, Imports) and by five food value chain industries (Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; Manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco products; Transportation and storage; Wholesale and retail trade; Accommodation and food service activities). The three food value measures differ for the bundle of goods and services they account for. In particular, the FAH refers to domestic expenditures of personal consumption for food consumed at home, at purchaser prices. The FTAH measure is similar in its target, but it refers to a broader set of economic goods, inclusive of tobacco, as food and tobacco expenditures are not always separable in the original data. On the other side, the FAAFH refers to domestic expenditures of personal consumption for food consumed away from home (e.g. in restaurants), at purchaser prices, and it also includes expenditures for accommodation in all the cases where the two types of expenditures were not separable in the original data. The values of industry decomposition measure the food production value-added distribution across different industries and factors involved in the agri-food value chain. All these estimates are based on Leontief Input Ouput modeling and Industry reduction method. The Food Value Chain domain aims to supply informaitonrelevant for the SDG 12 - sustainable consumption and production patterns, SDG 2 - zero hunger and SDG 1 - no poverty, that constitue guiding SDGs in the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-2031 and its better production pillar. More in general they may inform national, regional and global food policy, including measures in the World Food Summit framework.Data are collected from national Supply and Use Tables (SUTs) and Industry by Industry Input Output tables (IOTs), via OECD database or NSOs. All input data are in line with the System of National Accounts (SNA) and main international classifications and standards related to environmental-economic accounting (respectively the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, SEEA AFF, and the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, ISIC). Annual data are provided from 2005 to 2021 for 71 middle- and high-income countries.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-12-18T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"1690KB","FileRows":161088,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Value_shares_industry_primary_factors_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"GI","DatasetName":"Changement climatique: émissions provenant des systèmes agroalimentaires: Emissions from Fires","Topic":"Sector coverage: Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Coverage rate : Complete","DatasetDescription":"The FAOSTAT domain Fires consists of estimates of methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) from biomass burning in a range of vegetation types and from fires in organic soils. Data are computed geospatially using Tier 1 default factors of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National greenhouse gas (GHG) Inventories and of the Supplement on Wetlands (IPCC, 2006; 2014) for the organic soils component. Estimates are available by country and with global coverage, in complete time series for the period 1990–2021. The database is updated annually. The FAOSTAT domain Fires disseminates information by country on: activity data (in hectares of burned area and tonnes of burned biomass); and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in kilotonnes of N2O, CH4 and CO2). Data are available for all countries and territories, for standard FAOSTAT regional aggregations, and for Annex I and non-Annex I country groups. The uncertainties in FAOSTAT estimates of emissions from fires in organic soils area very high (IPCC, 2014). FAOSTAT estimates rely on remotely sensed data of burning biomass in areas where organic soils are also mapped. On the one hand, the presence of fires may not always be a signal that the underlying peat layer is burning. On the other hand, remote sensing information has limited capacity to detect the smoldering fires that are typical of peatlands. Furthermore, the methods applied herein do not distinguish between fires on drained and undrained organic soils, rather assuming burning of the organic layer in both cases. Existing literature and country reports support FAOSTAT country estimates in South East Asia (e.g. Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam), where burning of the organic layer is associated with deforestation fires and drainage. In all other countries, absence of literature and lack of other evidence suggest that FAOSTAT emissions data from fires in organic soils should be used with caution, as a tool to investigate possible national hotspots, rather than for evaluating national GHG inventory data. There is insufficient information to date to confirm the actual presence, quantity and causes (i.e. human-induced vs wildfires) of fires in organic soils outside Southeastern Asia. This FAOSTAT domain also disseminates the activity data and emissions data reported by countries to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on fire disturbance for a range of vegetation types in Forest Land and Grassland and from fires in organic soils. Activity data are sourced from the most recently available GHG National Inventories (NGHGI) or from National Communications. Emission data are sourced directly from the UNFCCC data portal or from Biennial Update Reports (BURs). UNFCCC data are disseminated in FAOSTAT with permission, formalized via a FAO-UNFCCC Memorandum of Understanding. The IPCC recommends the use of the FAOSTAT database to countries as a tool for NGHGI QA/QC processes and validation of both activity data and emissions estimates (IPCC, 2019).","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-09-21T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"2878KB","FileRows":404565,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Émissions_Utilisation_des_terres_Incendies_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"GLE","DatasetName":"Changement climatique: émissions provenant des systèmes agroalimentaires: Emissions from Livestock","Topic":"Agrifood systems emissions","DatasetDescription":"The FAOSTAT domain Emissions from Livestock contains the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions originating from livestock rearing. The domain disseminates total methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions originating from livestock-related processes. Detailed emissions are also disseminated from 1) Enteric fermentation: the CH4 emissions produced from enteric fermentation processes in the digestive systems of ruminants and to a lesser extent of non-ruminants; 2) Manure left on pasture: the N2O emissions originated from the nitrogen in manure left by grazing livestock on pasture; c) Manure management: the CH4 and N2O emissions originating from aerobic and anaerobic processes of manure decomposition; d) Manure applied to soils: the N2O emissions originated from soils applications of manure. The FAOSTAT emissions database is computed following Tier 1 IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National GHG Inventories vol. 4, ch. 10 and 11 (http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/public/2006gl/vol4.html).GHG emissions are provided by country, regions and special groups, with global coverage, relative to the period 1961-present (with annual updates) and with projections for 2030 and 2050, expressed in units of kilotonnes of gas by livestock species (asses, buffaloes, camels, cattle (dairy and non-dairy), goats, horses, llamas, mules, sheep, swine (breeding and market)) and relevant species aggregates (all animals, camels and llamas, cattle, mules and asses, sheep and goats, swine). This FAOSTAT domain also disseminates the activity data and emissions reported by countries to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Emission data are sourced directly from the UNFCCC data portal or from Biennial Update Reports (BURs). UNFCCC data are disseminated in FAOSTAT with permission, formalized via a FAO-UNFCCC Memorandum of Understanding. The IPCC (2019) Guidelines indicate the FAOSTAT database as a useful tool for NGHGI QA/QC processes and validation of both activity data and emissions estimates.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-10-12T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"52768KB","FileRows":6285217,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Emissions_élevage_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"GN","DatasetName":"Changement climatique: émissions provenant des systèmes agroalimentaires: Emissions from Energy use in agriculture","Topic":"Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions","DatasetDescription":"Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from direct on-farm energy use consist of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide gases related with fuel combustion and electricity generation in agriculture (including fisheries). The FAOSTAT emissions database has a global scope for the period 1970 to 2021 (with annual updates), by motor gasoline, gas-diesel oils, gasoline, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, residual fuel oil, coal, electricity, heat, gas-diesel oils in fisheries, residual fuel oil in fisheries, and by aggregates (total energy, energy consumed in fishery and total energy without electricity heat). Activity data(Energy use) is also provided.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environmental Statistics Team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-12-07T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"1581KB","FileRows":198228,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Emissions_Agriculture_Energie_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"GPP","DatasetName":"Changement climatique: émissions provenant des systèmes agroalimentaires: Emissions from pre and post agricultural production","Topic":"Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions","DatasetDescription":"The FAOSTAT domain “Pre- and Post-Production” (PPP) includes the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and related activity data, generated from pre- and post-agriculture production stages of the agri-food systems. Data are computed following the Tier 1 methods of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines for National greenhouse gas (GHG) Inventories (IPCC, 1996; 1997; 2000; 2002; 2006; 2014). The domain includes methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and CO2 equivalent (CO2eq) emissions from the above activities as well as the aggregate fluorinated gases (F-gases) emissions. Estimates are available by country, with global coverage for the period 1990–2020. The database is updated annually.The FAOSTAT domain disseminates information estimates of CH4, N2O, CO2 emissions, F-gases, their aggregates in CO2eq in units of kilotonnes (kt, or 106 kg), and the underlying activity data. CO2eq emissions are computed by using the IPCC Fifth Assessment report global warming potentials, AR5 (IPCC, 2014). Data are available for most countries and territories, for standard FAOSTAT regional aggregations, and for Annex I and non-Annex I country groups.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics Team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-10-02T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"4997KB","FileRows":500073,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Emissions_Pré_Post_Production_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"GT","DatasetName":"Changement climatique: émissions provenant des systèmes agroalimentaires: Emissions totals","Topic":"Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions","DatasetDescription":"The FAOSTAT domain Emissions Totals summarizes the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated from agrifood systems and that are disseminated in the FAOSTAT Climate Change Emissions domains. Data are computed following the Tier 1 methods of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines for National greenhouse gas (GHG) Inventories(IPCC, 1996; 1997; 2000; 2002; 2006; 2014). Emissions from other economic sectors as defined by the IPCC are also disseminated in the domain for completeness. The domain includes methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from all the above activities as well as the aggregate fluorinated gases (F-gases) emissions used in industrial processes. Estimates are available by country, with global coverage for the period 1961–2020 with projections for 2030 and 2050 for some categories of emissions or 1990–2020 for others. The database is updated annually The FAOSTAT domain Emissions Totals disseminates information estimates for the single gases and their aggregates in CO2eq in units of kilotonnes (kt or 10*6 kg). The latter are computed by using the IPCC Fifth Assessment report global warming potentials, AR5 (IPCC, 2014). Emissions from agrifood systems are those generated within farm gate, those associated with the land use change and the emissions from pre- and post-production food processes. The latter emissions are calculated based on data from the UN Statistical Division (UNSD), the International Energy Agency (IEA) and other third-party as well as by integrating emission information from the PRIMAP-hist dataset v2.4 (Gütschow et al., 2022). Methodologies for these estimates are described in dedicated working papers as follows: I) food transport; II) food systems waste disposal and III) fertilizers manufacturing, food processing, retail, packaging and household consumption. It should be noted that, the world aggregate estimates of food transport also includes international bunkers related to food. Emissions from “International Bunkers” is derived from data on ‘International aviation’ and ‘International navigation/shipping’ of the EDGARv6.0 dataset (JRC/PBL, 2019), covering the period 1990–2018 and extrapolated linearly to 2020 by FAOSTAT Domain Emissions Totals. Emissions for this category are only available for the world aggregate. PRIMAP data for other IPCC sectors is also disseminated for completeness and in view of computing shares of emissions for the whole economy (these are disseminate separately in the FAOSTAT domain Emissions shares). The IPCC economic sectors are: energy, industrial processes and product use (IPPU), waste and other n.e.c. These data are sourced from the PRIMAP-hist v2.4 dataset (Gütschow et al., 2022).Emissions Totals jointly disseminates the emissions reported by countries to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Emission data are sourced directly from the UNFCCC data portal as submitted by countries through their most recent GHG National Inventories (NGHGI) or are extracted from Biennial Update Reports (BURs).UNFCCC data are disseminated in FAOSTAT with permission, formalized via a FAO-UNFCCC Memorandum of Understanding. Values for Annex I and non-Annex I groups are computed from the UNFCCC data for the single categories of emissions listed in Table 1 and for IPCC Agriculture aggregate. It should be noted that due to incomplete reporting, significant data gaps characterize the non-Annex I aggregates.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics Team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-10-31T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"20625KB","FileRows":2486527,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Emissions_Totaux_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"GV","DatasetName":"Changement climatique: émissions provenant des systèmes agroalimentaires: Emissions from Drained organic soils","Topic":"Sector coverage: Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Coverage rate : Global coverage","DatasetDescription":"The FAOSTAT domain Drained organic soils consists of nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with the mineralization and oxidation of the organic matter in organic soils that are drained for agriculture (cropland and grassland). Data are computed geospatially, using the Tier 1 method of the IPCC Guidelines for National greenhouse gas Inventories (IPCC, 2006; 2014) and using the distribution of histosols as a proxy for organic soils. Estimates are available by country and with global coverage, in complete time series for the period 1990–2020. The database is updated annually. The FAOSTAT domain Organic soils disseminates information by country on: activity data (in hectares of organic soils drained for agriculture); and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (in kilotonnes of N2O and CO2). Drainage and associated emissions are assessed separately for IPCC land use categories cropland and grassland, corresponding to FAO land use categories ‘’cropland’’ and ‘’permanent meadows and pastures.’’ Data are available for all countries and territories, for standard FAOSTAT regional aggregations, and for Annex I and non-Annex I country groups. This FAOSTAT domain also disseminates the activity data and emissions data reported by countries to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), under ‘Cultivation of organic soils’ for the N2O component and categories ‘Cropland drained organic soils’ and ‘Grassland drained organic soils’ for the CO2. Activity data are sourced from the most recently available GHG National Inventories (NGHGI) or from National Communications. Emission data are sourced directly from the UNFCCC data portal or from Biennial Update Reports (BURs). UNFCCC data are disseminated in FAOSTAT with permission, formalized via a FAO-UNFCCC Memorandum of Understanding.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environmental Statistics Team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-09-06T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"700KB","FileRows":106033,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Emissions_Sols_organiques_drainés_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"HCES","DatasetName":"Alimentation et régime alimentaire: Apparent intake (based on household consumption and expenditure surveys)","Topic":"Couverture sectorielle: Consommation apparente de denrées alimentaires et de nutriments aux niveaux national, régional/provincial, rural/urbain et quintiles de revenu. Toutefois, les niveaux de représentativité varient selon les enquêtes. | Nombre de pays/superficies couverts - Code: Se reporter à FAOSTAT, M49, ISO2 et ISO3 (https://www.fao.org/faostat/fr/#definitions)","DatasetDescription":"Les statistiques sur la consommation apparente de denrées alimentaires et de nutriments ont été calculées par l’équipe de la FAO en charge des statistiques sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition à partir des données de l’Enquête sur la consommation et les dépenses des ménages (HCES). HCES est un terme générique pour les enquêtes au niveau des ménages développées pour informer la politique économique, telles que les Enquêtes sur le budget des ménages, les Enquêtes sur les dépenses des ménages et les Enquêtes sur la mesure du niveau de vie. Ces enquêtes recueillent des informations sur les caractéristiques des ménages (par exemple, région et zone urbaine ou rurale), sur les caractéristiques des membres du ménage (par exemple, sexe, âge, éducation, dépenses alimentaires et non alimentaires) et sur les quantités de denrées alimentaires consommées et/ou acquises au cours d’une période de référence. Malgré leurs limites les HCES ont servi à produire des estimations de la consommation apparente de denrées alimentaires et de nutriments aux échelons national et infranational pour l’ensemble de la population.","Contact":"Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO): Division de la statistique (ESS)","Email":"Food-Security-Statistics@FAO.org; faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2024-02-19T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"6493KB","FileRows":805032,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Enquêtes_sur_la_consommation_et_les_dépenses_des_ménages_Alimentation_et_régime_alimentaire_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"HS","DatasetName":"Archives et series de données interrompues: Indicators from Household Surveys (gender, area, socioeconomics)","Topic":null,"DatasetDescription":null,"Contact":": ","Email":null,"DateUpdate":"2014-07-31T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"1294KB","FileRows":148620,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Indicateurs_d_enquêtes_sur_les_ménages_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"IC","DatasetName":"Investissement: Credit to Agriculture","Topic":"Total economy and agriculture, forestry and fishery","DatasetDescription":"The Credit to Agriculture dataset provides national data for over 130 countries on the amount of loans provided by the private/commercial banking sector to producers in agriculture, forestry and fishing, including household producers, cooperatives, and agro-businesses. For some countries, the three subsectors of agriculture, forestry, and fishing are completely specified. In other cases, complete disaggregations are not available. The dataset also provides statistics on the total credit to all industries, indicators on the share of credit to agricultural producers, and an agriculture orientation index (AOI) for credit that normalizes the share of credit to agriculture over total credit by dividing it by the share of agriculture in gross domestic product (GDP). As such, it can provide a more accurate indication of the relative importance that banking sectors place on financing the sector. An AOI lower than 1 indicates that the agriculture sector receives a credit share lower than its contribution to the economy, while an AOI greater than 1 indicates a credit share to the agriculture sector greater than its economic contribution.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-11-16T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"493KB","FileRows":51036,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Investissement_CreditAgriculture_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"IG","DatasetName":"Investissement: Government Expenditure","Topic":"Besides Total Expenditure, the GEA dataset covers expenditure in the following socio-economic sectors: Economic affairs; Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Agriculture; Forestry; Fishing and hunting; and Environmental Protection, as defined by COFOG. The dataset reports expenditure for Central Government (or Budgetary Central Government, when Central Government is not available) and General Government. Since 2018, to align with the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014, countries report Central Government excluding Social Security Funds. Even though, for some countries the time series still refer to Central Government including Social Security Funds. For further details, please refer to the file Country Notes available at https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/documents/IG/IG_Country_Notes_e.pdf","DatasetDescription":"The Statistics Division of FAO collects annually data on Government Expenditure on Agriculture through a questionnaire, which was developed in partnership with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF is the responsible institution for the Government Finance Statistics (GFS) methodology and annually collects GFS data, including Expenditure by Functions of Government (COFOG). The Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) is an international classification developed by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and published by the United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD), with the aim of categorise governments' functions according to their purposes. The FAO questionnaire aligns with Table 7 of the IMF GFS questionnaire, replicates the relevant aggregates and drills down to request additional detail related to Agriculture. The FAO dataset consists of a time series, from 2001 onwards, of Total Government Expenditure and expenditure in: Economic affairs; Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting, along with its three disaggregated subsectors of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; and Environmental Protection. In addition, expenditure in each detailed function are further disaggregated into Recurrent and Capital expenditure. Additional indicators include the Agriculture Share of Government Expenditure, and the Agriculture Orientation Index (ratio between the Agriculture Share of Government Expenditure and the Agriculture Value Added as Share of GDP). Imputation methods were used to provide a complete and consistent global dataset as some challenges arise with different stages of implementation of the GFS methodology and COFOG classification, and differences in the data collection and reporting at country level. Data are reported for the highest level of government available (Consolidated general government, consolidated central government or budgetary central government) and are available for about 100 countries on a regular basis. In some cases (for example, India and Pakistan), data may reflect the general government sector as per national norm. That is, budgetary central government combined with state government.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"Brian.Carisma@fao.org/Veronica.Boero@fao.org/Investment-Data@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2024-01-23T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"925KB","FileRows":101603,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Investissement_DépensesNationales_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"LC","DatasetName":"Terres, intrants et indicateurs de durabilité: Land Cover","Topic":"Land cover; Environment; Land Accounting","DatasetDescription":"The FAOSTAT domain Land Cover under the Agri-Environmental Indicators section contains land cover information organized by the land cover classes of the international standard system for Environmental and Economic Accounting Central Framework (SEEA CF). The land cover information is compiled from publicly available Global Land Cover (GLC) maps: a) MODIS land cover types based on the Land Cover Classification System, LCCS (2001–2021); b) The European Spatial Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) annual land cover maps (1992–2020) produced by the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)-Geomatics and now under the European Copernicus Program; c) The annual land cover maps which were produced under the European Copernicus Global Land Service (CGLS) (CGLS land cover, containing discrete land cover categorization for the period 2015–2019), with spatial resolution 100m; and d) 4) The WorldCover maps of the European Space Agency —available for the years 2020 and 2021, produced at 10m resolution.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-06-13T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"1505KB","FileRows":213372,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Environnement_OccupationsSols_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"MDDW","DatasetName":"Alimentation et régime alimentaire: Diversity (MDD-W, based on individual qualitative dietary surveys)","Topic":"Consommation des groupes alimentaires aux niveaux national et rural-urbain (si disponible). Toutefois, les niveaux de représentativité varient selon les enquêtes.","DatasetDescription":"Les statistiques sur la diversité alimentaire minimale pour les femmes (MDD-W) ont été compilées par la Division de l'Alimentation et de la nutrition (ESN), à partir de diverses sources, notamment le Programme d'enquêtes démographiques et de santé (DHS), l'étude sur la mesure des niveaux de vie (LSMS) de la Banque mondiale, et calculé rétroactivement à partir des enquêtes nationales disponibles sur la plateforme FAO/WHO GIFT (https://www.fao.org/gift-individual-food-consumption/fr/). Ces enquêtes collectent des informations sur la consommation alimentaire des femmes en âge de procréer (âgées de 15 à 49 ans) au cours des 24 heures du jour précédant l'entretien. L'indicateur MDD-W est produit et publié ailleurs par d'autres organisations internationales et gouvernements nationaux. Ils sont rapportés ici dans une base de données unique dans le but de construire un large système d’information sur la diversité alimentaire et la qualité de l’alimentation.","Contact":"Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO): Division de l’alimentation et de la nutrition (ESN)","Email":"Nutrition-assessment@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-10-05T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"7KB","FileRows":513,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Diversité_diététique_minimale_pour_les_femmes_(MDD-W)_Alimentation_et_régime_alimentaire_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"MK","DatasetName":"Indicateurs macro-économiques: Macro Indicators","Topic":"*Total Economy (ISIC Rev. 4, A-U_01-99),*AFF -Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing (ISIC Rev. 4, A_01-03),*Ag - Agriculture (Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities) (ISIC Rev. 4, A_01),*MAN - total Manufacturing (ISIC Rev. 4, C_10-33),*FBT - Manufacturing of food, beverages and tobacco products (ISIC Rev. 4, C_10-12),*FB - Manufacturing of food and beverages products (ISIC Rev. 4, C_10-11),*Tob - Manufacturing of tobacco products (ISIC Rev. 4, C_12).","DatasetDescription":"The FAOSTAT Macro Indicators database provides a selection of country-level macroeconomic indicators relating to total economy (GDP, GFCF); agriculture (Ag); agriculture, forestry and fishing (AFF); manufacturing (MAN); manufacturing of food products and beverages (FB); manufacturing of tobacco products (Tob); and manufacturing of food, beverage and tobacco products (FBT). It releases time series for a selection of National Accounts variables, including gross domestic product, gross fixed capital formation, industry-level value added and gross output. The database also proposes additional indicators such as per capita GDP, year-on-year growth rates and measures of industry contribution to GDP.All data relating to GDP, GFCF, AFF, and to MAN originates from the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) National Accounts Estimates of Main Aggregates database, which consists of a complete and consistent set of time series of the main National Accounts (NA) aggregates of all UN Members States and other territories in the world for which National Accounts information is available. The UNSD database's content is based on the countries' official NA data reported to UNSD through the annual National Accounts Questionnaire, supplemented with data estimates for any years and countries with incomplete or inconsistent information (See http://unstats.un.org/unsd/snaama/Introduction.asp).Series relating to the sub-industry Ag are obtained from the UNSD NA Official Country Data databases while series on the FB, Tob and FBT industry originates from UNIDO INDSTAT2 databases. In order to ensure that sub-industry series are consistent in levels with National Accounts based series, which is needed to support comparability across industries (agriculture vs. agro-industry and sub-industries), we proceed to a rescaling exercise of UNIDO originating series on UNSD National Accounts Estimates of Main Aggregates data series (See Section 20 for a more detailed description of the data processing steps).","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Economic and Social Statistics Team","Email":"macrostats@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-11-07T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"6971KB","FileRows":704314,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Statistiques-macro_Indicateurs_clés_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"OA","DatasetName":"Population et emploi: Annual population","Topic":"Demography","DatasetDescription":"The FAOSTAT Population module contains time series data on population, by sex and urban/rural. The series consist of both estimates and projections for different periods as available from the original sources, namely:1. Population data refers to the World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision from the UN Population Division.2. Urban/rural population data refers to the World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision from the UN Population Division./","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"Piero.Conforti@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2022-10-24T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"1505KB","FileRows":169142,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Population_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"OEA","DatasetName":"Population et emploi: Employment Indicators: Agriculture","Topic":"Labour market","DatasetDescription":"FAOSTAT updates the employment indicators yearly, using data from the International Labour Organization (ILO) database that contains a rich set of indicators from a wide range of topics related to labour statistics. The FAOSTAT Employment indicators Domain focus on indicators related to employment in agriculture and rural areas. The indicators on agricultural areas provide information on the status in employment, divisions of agriculture and hours worked of the people employed in agriculture, forestry and fishing by sex and age whenever possible.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"Veronica.Boero@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-04-05T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"1426KB","FileRows":149678,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Indicateurs_de_l_emploi_agriculture_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"OER","DatasetName":"Population et emploi: Employment Indicators: Rural","Topic":"Labour market","DatasetDescription":"FAOSTAT updates the employment indicators yearly, using data from the International Labour Organization (ILO) database that contains a rich set of indicators from a wide range of topics related to labour statistics. The FAOSTAT Employment indicators Domain focus on indicators related to employment in agriculture and rural areas. The indicators on rural areas provide information on the overall employment in rural areas, status in employment, and labour force participation by sex and age whenever possible.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"Veronica.Boero@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-04-05T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"939KB","FileRows":102693,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Indicateurs_de_l_emploi_milieu_rural_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"PA","DatasetName":"Archives et series de données interrompues: Producer Prices (old series)","Topic":"Most crop and livestock products under agricultural activity","DatasetDescription":"This sub-domain contains data on Agriculture Producer Prices and Producer Price Indices collected no later than 1996. These are prices received by farmers for primary crops, live animals weight and livestock primary products as collected at the point of initial sale (prices paid at the farm-gate). Data are provided for over 97 countries and for some 200 commodities.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"1991-12-31T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"1077KB","FileRows":139738,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/PrixArchives_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"PD","DatasetName":"Prix: Deflators","Topic":"*GDP and GFCF: Total Economy Gross Domestic Product and Gross Fixed Capital Formation, respectively (ISIC Rev. 3, A-Q_01-99 and ISIC Rev. 4, A-U_01-99) as for the GDP deflator and the GFCF deflator;*AFF: - Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing (ISIC Rev. 3, A-B_01-05 and ISIC Rev. 4, A_01-03) as for the agriculture value-added deflator;*MAN: - Manufacturing (ISIC Rev. 3, D_15-37 and ISIC Rev. 4, C_10-33) as for the manufacturing value-added deflator.","DatasetDescription":"The FAOSTAT Deflators database provides the following selection of implicit price deflator series by country and at regional level: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator, Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) deflator, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery Value-Added (VA_AFF) deflator, and Manufacturing Valued-Added (VA_MAN) deflator.A deflator is a figure expressing the change in prices over a period of time for a product or a basket of products by comparing a reference period to a base period. It is obtained by dividing a current price value of a given aggregate by its real counterpart. When calculated from the major national accounting aggregates such as GDP or agriculture value added, implicit price deflators pertains to wider ranges of goods and services in the economy than that represented by any of the individual price indexes (such as CPIs, PPIs). Movements in an implicit price deflator reflect both changes in price and changes in the composition of the aggregate for which the deflator is calculated.In the FAOSTAT Deflators database, all series are derived from the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) National Accounts Analysis of Main Aggregates database (UNSD AMA). In particular, the implicit GDP deflator, the implicit GFCF deflator, the implicit value added deflator of Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery and the implicit value added deflator of Manufacturing are obtained by dividing the series in current prices by those in constant 2015 prices (base year).","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Economic and Social Statistics Team","Email":"macrostats@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-11-07T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"999KB","FileRows":85057,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Deflateurs_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"PE","DatasetName":"Prix: Exchange rates","Topic":"Sector coverage: All sectors | Code - Number of countries/areas covered: 233","DatasetDescription":"* Annual exchange rates, Standard Local Currency Units (SLC) per US dollar.* Annual and Monthly exchange rates, Local currency Units (LCU) per US dollar.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).: Statistics Division (ESS), Economic Statistics Team.","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2024-01-23T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"1185KB","FileRows":146117,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Taux_de_change_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"PP","DatasetName":"Prix: Producer Prices","Topic":"Most crop and livestock products under agricultural activity","DatasetDescription":"This sub-domain contains data on Agriculture Producer Prices and Producer Price Index. Agriculture Producer Prices are prices received by farmers for primary crops, live animals and livestock primary products as collected at the point of initial sale (prices paid at the farm-gate). Annual data are provided from 1991, while mothly data from January 2010 for 180 country and 212 products.Producer Price Index is the index of agricultural producer prices that measures the average annual change over time in the selling prices received by farmers (prices at the farm-gate or at the first point of sale). The three categories of producer price index available in FAOSTAT comprise: single-item price index, commodity group index and the agriculture producer price index.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-12-19T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"10016KB","FileRows":1150071,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Prix_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"QCL","DatasetName":"Production: Crops and livestock products","Topic":"Sector coverage: Crops and livestock, primary and selected derived commodities. | Coverage rate : FAO strives to provide data for all countries and commodities , where possible. However, many countries do not collect official production data for minor crops, such that data coverage for these commodities may be limited.","DatasetDescription":"Crop and livestock statistics are recorded for 278 products, covering the following categories: 1) CROPS PRIMARY: Cereals, Citrus Fruit, Fibre Crops, Fruit, Oil Crops, Oil Crops and Cakes in Oil Equivalent, Pulses, Roots and Tubers, Sugar Crops, Treenuts and Vegetables. Data are expressed in terms of area harvested, production quantity and yield. Cereals: Area and production data on cereals relate to crops harvested for dry grain only. Cereal crops harvested for hay or harvested green for food, feed or silage or used for grazing are therefore excluded. 2) CROPS PROCESSED: Beer of barley; Cotton lint; Cottonseed; Margarine, short; Molasses; Oil, coconut (copra); Oil, cottonseed; Oil, groundnut; Oil, linseed; Oil, maize; Oil, olive, virgin; Oil, palm; Oil, palm kernel; Oil, rapeseed; Oil, safflower; Oil, sesame; Oil, soybean; Oil, sunflower; Palm kernels; Sugar Raw Centrifugal; Wine. 3) LIVE ANIMALS: Animals live n.e.s.; Asses; Beehives; Buffaloes; Camelids, other; Camels; Cattle; Chickens; Ducks; Geese and guinea fowls; Goats; Horses; Mules; Pigeons, other birds; Pigs; Rabbits and hares; Rodents, other; Sheep; Turkeys. 4) LIVESTOCK PRIMARY: Beeswax; Eggs (various types); Hides buffalo, fresh; Hides, cattle, fresh; Honey, natural; Meat (ass, bird nes, buffalo, camel, cattle, chicken, duck, game, goat, goose and guinea fowl, horse, mule, Meat nes, meat other camelids, Meat other rodents, pig, rabbit, sheep, turkey); Milk (buffalo, camel, cow, goat, sheep); Offals, nes; Silk-worm cocoons, reelable; Skins (goat, sheep); Snails, not sea; Wool, greasy. 5) LIVESTOCK PROCESSED: Butter (of milk from sheep, goat, buffalo, cow); Cheese (of milk from goat, buffalo, sheep, cow milk); Cheese of skimmed cow milk; Cream fresh; Ghee (cow and buffalo milk); Lard; Milk (dry buttermilk, skimmed condensed, skimmed cow, skimmed dried, skimmed evaporated, whole condensed, whole dried, whole evaporated); Silk raw; Tallow; Whey (condensed and dry); Yoghurt.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-12-18T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"32987KB","FileRows":4127584,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Production_Cultures_ProduitsAnimaux_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"QI","DatasetName":"Production: Production Indices","Topic":"See metadata of Production and Price domains respectively.","DatasetDescription":"The FAO indices of agricultural production show the relative level of the aggregate volume of agricultural production for each year in comparison with the base period 2014-2016. Indices for meat production are computed based on data for production from indigenous animals.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2024-03-07T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"15438KB","FileRows":1942158,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Indices_de_production_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"QV","DatasetName":"Production: Value of Agricultural Production","Topic":"See metadata of Production and Price domains respectively.","DatasetDescription":"Values of agricultural production are calculated based on production data of primary commodities from Production domain and producer prices from Prices domain. The livestock value of production is measured in terms of indigenous meat.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2024-03-07T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"25678KB","FileRows":2926428,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Valeur_de_Production_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"RA","DatasetName":"Archives et series de données interrompues: Fertilizers archive","Topic":"Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (ISIC A)","DatasetDescription":"The Fertilizer archive dataset containsinformation on the Production, Trade and Consumption of chemical and mineral fertilizers products, both in total nutrients and in amount of product, over the time series 1961 to 2002.The datasetalso contains data on Prices paid by farmers expressed in local currencies (as a consequence no country aggregates are available) for single fertilizer products. This dataset is an archive and it is disseminated as it was in the previous FAOSTAT System. No dataset updates made or to be made in the future.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).: Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics Team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2020-08-13T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"1374KB","FileRows":178192,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Intrants_EngraisArchives_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"RFB","DatasetName":"Terres, intrants et indicateurs de durabilité: Fertilizers by Product","Topic":"Environment, Agricultural input statistics","DatasetDescription":"The Fertilizers by Product dataset contains information on the Production, Trade and Agriculture Use of inorganic (chemical or mineral) fertilizers products, over the time series 2002-present. The fertilizer statistics data are for a set of 23 product categories. Both straight and compound fertilizers are included. There is information available about methodology at: https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/documents/RFB/RFB_EN_README.pdf.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-06-08T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"1976KB","FileRows":220504,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Intrants_EngraisProduit_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"RFN","DatasetName":"Terres, intrants et indicateurs de durabilité: Fertilizers by Nutrient","Topic":"Environment, Agricultural input statistics","DatasetDescription":"The Fertilizers by Nutrient dataset contains information on the totals in nutrients for Production, Trade and Agriculture Use of inorganic (chemical or mineral) fertilizers, over the time series 1961-present. The data are provided for the three primary plant nutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (expressed as P2O5) and potassium (expressed as K2O). Both straight and compound fertilizers are included. There is information on the methodology available at: https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/documents/RFN/RFN_EN_README.pdf","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-07-05T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"1864KB","FileRows":220984,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Intrants_EngraisNutritif_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"RL","DatasetName":"Terres, intrants et indicateurs de durabilité: Land Use","Topic":"Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (ISIC A)","DatasetDescription":"The FAOSTAT Land Use domain contains data on forty-four categories of land use, irrigation and agricultural practices and five indicators relevant to monitor agriculture, forestry and fisheries activities at national, regional and global level. Data are available by country and year, with global coverage and annual updates.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2024-02-15T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"2596KB","FileRows":376295,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Intrants_TerresUtilisation_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"RM","DatasetName":"Archives et series de données interrompues: Machinery","Topic":"Sector coverage: Agriculture, excluding forestry and fishing | Coverage rate : n.a.","DatasetDescription":"Important notice: FAOSTAT database on Agriculture Machinery is no longer active. The latest online version of the database has as reference year 2009 (with data collected in year 2011). FAOSTAT database on Agriculture Machinery provides statistical series on Agricultural Machinery and Equipment statistical series referring to the following items: tractors, harvesters and threshers, irrigation pumps, milking machines, hand tools, and soil machines. The database includes estimates of agriculture machinery in use and value of import and export of agriculture machinery.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2021-12-03T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"1206KB","FileRows":146834,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Investissement_MachinesAgricoles_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"RP","DatasetName":"Terres, intrants et indicateurs de durabilité: Pesticides Use","Topic":"Agriculture (ISIC A)","DatasetDescription":"The Pesticides Use database includes data on the use of major pesticide groups (Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides, Plant growth regulators and Rodenticides) and of relevant chemical families. Data report the quantities (in tonnes of active ingredients)","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2024-02-18T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"886KB","FileRows":112333,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Intrants_Pesticides_Utilisation_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"RT","DatasetName":"Terres, intrants et indicateurs de durabilité: Pesticides Trade","Topic":"Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (ISIC A).","DatasetDescription":"This domain contains data on pesticides and covers two different categories: pesticides traded in form or packagingfor retail sale or as preparations or articles, and pesticides traded as separate chemically defined compounds (if relevant for the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade). The pesticides traded for retail sale or as preparations or articles are those classified under code 38.08 in the Harmonized System Nomenclature (HS) and include: hazardous pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, disinfectants and other. For these pesticides, this domain contains trade data (imports and exports) in values only (current 1000 US dollars), and the time series extends from 1961 onwards. The pesticides traded as separate chemically defined compounds are those listed in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention (excluding industrial chemicals) and therefore subject to the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure. The correspondence with the HS Nomenclature is shown in the table at the Related Documents section. For these pesticides, this domain contains trade data (imports and exports) in both value (current 1000 US dollars) and quantity (net weight in tonnes), and the time series extends from 2007 onwards.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Environment Statistics team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-07-03T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"1686KB","FileRows":178915,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Intrants_Pesticides_Commerce_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"RY","DatasetName":"Archives et series de données interrompues: Machinery Archive","Topic":null,"DatasetDescription":null,"Contact":": ","Email":null,"DateUpdate":"2021-12-03T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"1911KB","FileRows":328932,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Investissement_MachinesAgricolesArchives_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"SCL","DatasetName":"Bilans Alimentaires: Supply Utilization Accounts (2010-)","Topic":"Most crop and livestock products, including processed products, under agricultural activity.","DatasetDescription":"Supply Utilization Accounts (SUA's) present a comprehensive picture of the pattern of a country's food supply during a specified reference period. The total quantity of foodstuffs produced in a country added to the total quantity imported and adjusted to any change in stocks that may have occurred since the beginning of the reference period gives the supply available during that period. On the utilization side a distinction is made between the quantities exported, fed to livestock, used for seed, put to manufacture for food use and non-food uses, losses during storage and transportation, and food supplies available for human consumption. The per caput supply of each such food item available for human consumption is then obtained by dividing the respective quantity by the related data on the population actually partaking of it. Data on per caput food supplies are expressed in terms of quantity and - by applying appropriate food composition factors for all primary and processed products - also in terms of caloric value and protein and fat content.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-09-04T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"76479KB","FileRows":9959324,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/SUA_Cultures_ProduitsAnimaux_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"SDGB","DatasetName":"Indicateurs ODD: SDG Indicators","Topic":null,"DatasetDescription":"As the custodian agency of 21 SDG indicators, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is responsible for curating and refining the methodologies of these indicators, collecting data from national sources, ensuring their quality and compatibility with applicable standards and classifications, and disseminating data at global level. This FAOSTAT domain complements the global SDG database administered by the United Nations Statistical Division, as well as FAO’s SDG indicators portal, by providing access to the available data for each of these indicators. Please click the metadata link on the right hand navigation column for an abridged version of the methodology for compiling each of these indicators, a description of data sources and the relevant contact persons responsible for each indicator in the Organization. For a more detailed description of the methodology, data sources and reporting procedures, please follow the link to the official SDG indicator metadata document available at the bottom of each summary metadata page in the document on the right. ","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Office of the Chief Statistician","Email":"doriankalamvrezos.navarro@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-09-20T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"3089KB","FileRows":293553,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/SDG_BulkDownloads_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"SUA","DatasetName":"Alimentation et régime alimentaire: Availability (based on supply utilization accounts)","Topic":"La plupart des produits de la culture, de l’élevage, de la pêche, et de l'aquaculture, y compris les produits transformés.","DatasetDescription":"L’ensemble de données présente la disponibilité quotidienne moyenne en macro et micro nutriments par habitant par pays et par groupes de denrées alimentaires FAO/WHO GIFT (qui sont différents de ceux utilisés pour les bilans alimentaires), exprimée en grammes/milligrammes/microgrammes/kcal par habitant par jour. Les chiffres de population utilisés pour calculer ces statistiques peuvent être trouvés dans l'ensemble de données des comptes Disponibilités et Utilisations (CDU) de FAOSTAT, sous la forme Population totale. Les quantités de denrées alimentaires disponibles sont dérivées de l’ensemble de données des CDU. Les CDU présentent une image complète de la structure de la disponibilité et de l'utilisation alimentaire d’un pays pendant une période de référence spécifiée. Le CDU indique pour chaque denrée alimentaire – c’est-à-dire chaque produit primaire et un certain nombre de produits transformés potentiellement disponibles pour la consommation humaine – les sources d’approvisionnement et leur utilisation. La quantité totale de denrées alimentaires produites dans un pays, ajoutée à la quantité totale importée et corrigée de toute variation des stocks survenue depuis le début de la période de référence, donne l’offre disponible pendant cette période. En ce qui concerne l’utilisation, une distinction est faite entre les quantités exportées, l’alimentation du bétail, l’utilisation pour les semences, la fabrication de produits alimentaires et non alimentaires, les pertes pendant le stockage et le transport, et les réserves alimentaires disponibles pour la consommation humaine. L’approvisionnement par habitant de chacune de ces denrées alimentaires disponibles pour la consommation humaine est ensuite obtenu en divisant la quantité respective par les données relatives à la population qui en consomme effectivement.","Contact":"Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO): Division de la statistique (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-10-05T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"4334KB","FileRows":669646,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Comptes_Disponibilités_et_Utilisations_Alimentation_et_régime_alimentaire_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"TCL","DatasetName":"Commerce: Crops and livestock products","Topic":"The dataset contains all food and agricultural products imported and exported during the reference year by country. In addition to the individual country data, other item and country aggregates are disseminated. The processed trade data is essential for the compilation of Supply/Utilization Accounts (SUA) and Food Balance Sheets (FBS).","DatasetDescription":"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity, and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-12-13T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"295864KB","FileRows":16047501,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Commerce_CultureProduitsAnimaux_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"TI","DatasetName":"Commerce: Trade Indices","Topic":"The dataset contains all food and agricultural products imported and exported during the reference year by country. In addition to the individual country data, other item and country aggregates are disseminated. The processed trade data is essential for the compilation of Supply/Utilization Accounts (SUA) and Food Balance Sheets (FBS).","DatasetDescription":"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity, and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-12-18T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"124567KB","FileRows":16674387,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Indices_commerciaux_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"TM","DatasetName":"Commerce: Detailed trade matrix","Topic":"The dataset contains all food and agricultural products imported and exported during the reference year by country. In addition to the individual country data, other item and country aggregates are disseminated. The processed trade data is essential for the compilation of Supply/Utilization Accounts (SUA) and Food Balance Sheets (FBS).","DatasetDescription":"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity, and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS)","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2023-11-23T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"540876KB","FileRows":49159659,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/Commerce_MatricesCommerceDetaillees_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}, {"DatasetCode":"WCAD","DatasetName":"Recensement agricole mondial: Structural data from agricultural censuses","Topic":"Agriculture","DatasetDescription":"Data from censuses of agriculture are collected at holding level and provide information about the structure of agriculture of a country or a territory (e.g. size and number of holdings, land tenure, legal status, and holder gender). An agricultural holding is an economic unit of agricultural production under single management comprising all livestock kept and all land used wholly or partly for agricultural production purposes. Member countries provided census data to FAO under the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture (WCA). National censuses are conducted at least once every ten years in an internationally comparable way. The ‘’Structural data from agricultural censuses’’ domain in FAOSTAT provides structural data from the last four WCA rounds (WCA 2020, 2010, 2000 and 1990) for each participating country and territory, to the extent possible. For earlier rounds (WCA 1930, 1950, 1960, 1970 and 1980) data are provided mainly on the number and area of holdings. The data are prepared based on the national census reports, later disseminated by FAO through the publications SDS 17, SDS 12 and SDS 9 and 9a, and recent methodological review of the available country census data of WCA 2020 round [Please explain the last sentence after 9a].","Contact":"Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistics Division (ESS), Agricultural Census Team","Email":"faostat@fao.org","DateUpdate":"2024-02-29T00:00:00","CompressionFormat":"zip","FileType":"csv","FileSize":"195KB","FileRows":13516,"FileLocation":"https://fenixservices.fao.org/faostat/static/bulkdownloads/World_Census_Agriculture_F_Toutes_les_Données_(Normalisé).zip"}] } }